Karen Baltz Gibbs, PT, DPT, CSCS, LMT, CSCS, Garage Training & Rehab Gym
Do you feel that you have no time for yourself? Do you wonder how you can get time to exercise in your busy schedule?
Many would think that a Personal Trainer and Physical Therapist would just have their schedule figured out and have a little struggle with finding time to exercise. You assume this with all Healthcare Professionals. The truth is many Healthcare professionals struggle just like everyone else. They put all their energy into helping others and then many go home to other responsibilities including family. I put my needs last for years and would exercise late at night when I was already exhausted. I did get to a point where I decided to give it a try to wake early and was surprised that I had more energy than less for work that day. This meant I had to be more disciplined in getting to bed earlier. It took some time to get to this point but it was worth it.
I recently read, "The 5 A.M. Revolution" by Dan Luca. This is a book where you can get specific techniques, strategies, and inspiration immediately. I now had ideas for myself and my daughter to get better sleep. Now with better sleep, I feel more energy during the day! My daughter and I tend to be the people who are as people say "too much in your head". One strategy that was suggested for this was "Review the day". For only 10 minutes, right before bed, you ask yourself questions like "What worked today?" and "What have I learned today?" I had been suggesting to my daughter especially on hard days, to think of 5 positive things that happened today. This was also suggested by this author. He suggested three, I'm an overachiever and like to do more.
The author moves next to the morning routine. He does a wonderful job and giving specifics about how to do this gradually leading up to waking and making it a productive time. I found for myself, I just had to get up and push through. Over time, it gets better and my days just feel better with having energy and direction through the chaos of the day. I feel at ease with his "Possible pitfalls and remedies" sections throughout this. He recognizes that it will not be easy and gives grace to help you find your motivation.
If that is not enough, the author gives "Fifty Reasons To Wake Up at 5 A.M.". I felt so encouraged throughout this book, especially in this section. I like number 2: " You have the opportunity to spend quality time with yourself; you put yourself first because you deserve it!. Next, number 46 " You eliminate 95 percent of the stress you're dealing with right now. As long as you combine a multitude of habits described above, you'll find yourself lacking reasons to stress out."
At the end of the book, he gives real-life examples of famous people. I've always enjoyed this in books when you can read how this works with people. You get to read what strategies and what unique habits help them. In the end, you are encouraged and motivated to try to be better than you were before. That is what you can get working with me in your health and fitness, encouragement, and working with you to make you better than before.
#Live Inspired,
Karen Baltz Gibbs, PT, DPT, CSCS, CMP, LMT
